Thursday, April 28, 2005


I am neariing the biggest transition of my life thus far. With this approaching I have been thinking about myself and where I have come and where I am going. One recurring battle that has been going on in my head is the attempt to answer a question that I am sure all have at least faced, if not, will face, at some point in their lives. "What is my passion?"

When I ask others about their passions they all relate to helping people. You know the typical answers, "I want to help children in Africa, I want to feed the homeless, create a school, etc..." Those things are all nice and I would love to play an active role in, but I cannot say that any of those things would be my passion. After much contemplation I have realized that I don't have a passion, or at least not yet. I mean I have dreams and goals in life, but I don't have anything right now, that if every aspect of my life went to shit, would be my driving force.

Further, the things that I have in my life that come close to a passion, does not directly relate to helping the needy, children or curing diseases, etc.... The things that I think could possibly be my passion could provide me with a better than average monetary benefit. So my question is, "is that selfish?"

I posed that question to one of my friends, and her response, which I must say made me feel better was this...
Everyone is put on this earth for a reason, and if it is your purpose to work in corporate America and make millions, that is OK. Although your passion may directly benefit you, it does not mean that it is not helping others. For example, a person could own a successful retail clothing line, but this allows them to provide others with jobs. And who knows maybe that allows someone else to further their passion.

A lot of people may critize a person whose passion is owning/operating a retail clothing store (or whatever it is) as selfish. However, at the end of our conversation we came up with this...

A lot of the times when people criticize another's passion on the grounds that the it is selfish, it is because they themselves don't have a passion of their own.


Blogger Lady D said...

You had me thinking on that on. Nothing selfish about working for something and wanting a nice lifestyle. If your passion involves hard work and a nice payoff then that's what it is. Call me about the clothing! I am full of ideas. I might actually go to school part-time when I start working to do something in the fashion industry. Gotta support the passion somehow.

10:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it that people relate their careers with their passion? There are but a select few that absolutely love without fail what they do for a living. Your passion doesn't have to be what you do to make a living. Try to make your career something worthwhile, or at least, something you enjoy. Your passion could be your family, your future-family, travel, shopping, decorating, partying, meeting people, learning, etc etc. Who says that your passion needs to involve saving the world? You see, Jesus had a passion to make things- he was a carpenter. Was that his purpose? No. So, like Jesus, your passion doesn't need to be saving humanity. You should do those things out of the goodness of your heart. It doesn't make you selfish that it isn't your passion. Don't worry, one day, soon enough, you'll discover something that makes you tick....and NO, it doesn't have to be your career or involve feeding the homeless. Likkle more.

7:02 PM  

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