Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Life...That's What It Is...

Over the past two years I have come to realize how short life is. Several things have brought me to this realization. When I look back at my life it seems like I have reached where I am very fast. I have also had to come to grips with the mortality of my parents. As a child, you don't imagine losing your parents. However as you get older, you realize how fragile life can be. Several deaths have occurred around me over the past couple years. The sad and scary part is that they have all been of very young people who did not had a chance to experience LIFE. Even today, while I was at school in a professor's office I noticed a photo of two very young people on her wall. When I looked at the inscription under the picture it had their birthdays followed by RIP. They were only 18 years old when they passed in 2000. They were younger than me, and were just about to graduate high school. The image of these two teens was stuck in my head all day. What was even eerier, is that once I got home, I learned from a very DEAR person that someone very close to him had passed. Another young person in the prime of his life.

Life is one of those things to be cherished. It can be so great but so sad. It can last so long, and yet be taken away so quickly. It can mean one thing to you, and yet a completely different thing to another.

So for all those who have passed, wherever you are...R.I.P.


Blogger Lady D said...

You get caught up in all the bs of life and forget to cherish the important things.

3:35 PM  
Blogger Zeezy4Sheezy said...

Good Post.. I lost my mother at a young age and I've had close brushes with death myself and I thank God for allowing me to wake up to live life everyday. But on another note thanks for the interpretation of my name. I have also been told by a few that are familiar with that culture that Aziz means "Noble Prince". Thanks once again

8:29 PM  
Blogger ..Sue...Zette... said...

Recently one of my homeboy's teammates died in a car accident...and although we weren't friends...I periodically find myself thinking about him...God is real you know...and you never know when he's gonna call us home

3:53 PM  
Blogger Mata Hari said...

Holy cow..your blogging too...

Hope all is well..

Damn the world seems to shrink more everyday...

Life is precious...gotta live it to the fullest

6:13 PM  

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