Saturday, April 09, 2005


So today I embark on yet another day of procrastination. I have a Sports Law paper hanging over my head that constitutes my ENTIRE grade. I have completed the research for this paper, but cannot seem to sit down and write. Please understand that I have tried to write this paper several times. In fact, I have written one page (albeit it is mainly headings), and as I "blog" away, all my research is spread throughout my apartment, awaiting a burst of scholarly determination.

I have a rough draft of this paper along with a power point presentation due on Monday. I really should just take my ass to a library or something and hammer this out. But am I going to do that---NOPE---I am a PROCRASTINATOR. Maybe I will just take a nap. I mean what is another hour, or two, or three, wasted? If anyone out there suffers from this disorder as well, please tell me how to beat it, because it is slowly killing me.


Blogger Lady D said...

Sorry I can't help you cause I'm in the same boat. I just finished one and I have another one to tackle.I have yet to read for this second one. So tomorrow its all about it.If I don't do well on this second one it could be the end for me. I tried to work at a nomal pace but I can't.Procratination is like the devil its always there and never goes away

2:36 AM  
Blogger Zeezy4Sheezy said...

Hi my name is Aziz and I am a procrastinator. This is totally off the subject but my name is arabic and was wondering if u could provide the proper arabic spelling for me as well. That would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

9:11 AM  

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