Monday, April 18, 2005

Change of Heart..."GO GET THAT MONEY"

Yesterday I spent ALL DAY writing a paper for my Sports Law class. "Yes, this is the same paper that I should have completed last weekend". Regardless, the "rough draft" has now been completed.

I began writing my paper at about 9 AM and by noon, my perspective on my paper topic had completely changed. My paper deals with the phenomena oh high school basketball players foregoing college for the NBA. Initially, I believed that these players should be required to attend college before entering the NBA because of the benefits that college has to offer. However, after doing some research, my beliefs began to weaken, and I was being pulled by the other side of the argument. I attempted to hold on to my view point as long as possible, but after reading a few articles on the reasons why people attend college and think about my personal reason for attending college and law school, I had to jump ship.

The idea behind these articles was that people go to college to increase their earning potential; I went to college to increase my earning potential. Now these athletes directly out of high school are making SIGNIFICANTLY more than the average college graduate and SIGNIFICANTLY more than than the average lawyer or doctor. I am not discrediting the personal growth value that college has, such as providing a person with increased analytical ability and critical thinking. However, these are just as attainable at a later date if the player chooses to go to college after his stint with the NBA has passed.

So I say to those high school players who have the skills to play at the professional level (THAT IS VERY IMPORTANT): "GO GET THAT MONEY!!!!!!!!"


Blogger Lady D said...

Good post. I am not at them for leaving early. If I had some other skills I wouldn't be in gradschool. You procrastinated, but you learned something in the end.

10:21 AM  
Blogger Zeezy4Sheezy said...

I wrote a paper about this same topic in undergrad. I tell people this all the time because people automatically assume because of my height and the fact that I played college basketball I should therefore make a foray into the NBA. If only it were that easy... That is why I agree if you have the opportunity to go pro outta high school take the money and run. The only problem I have is the kids that get that bad advice and don't make it into the 1st round and get that guaranteed 3 year deal. Are those sports law classes helpful if you are trying to make that area a career?

10:26 AM  
Blogger MacMarv said...

heeey a newbie. :-)


6:55 PM  

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