Friday, October 14, 2005

Pissed Off in Cali!!!!

Today I am pissed. I was on the highway and the cars in front of me began to slow down. Naturally, I slow down as well. However, the person behind me felt that he was too good to slow down and rear-ends me on the hwy. I manage not to hit the car in front of me and to not swerve too badly. The person who hit me however, spins out of control and almost causes another few accidents. Luckily, he/she did not. He/she then pauses, looks like he/she is pulling over to the shoulder. But no.....he/she hops the embankment and jumps onto the off-ramp of the hwy and jets off. Leaving me myself on the side of the road, now left to pay for the damage that this asshole caused to my car. Needless to say, I am pissed.

However, what really pissed me off was not the accident itself, but the fact that this person was not the least bit concerned with whether I was OK. I mean the accident could have been extremely bad. That to me is true selfishness. I would have felt better had the person seen if I was OK, then hopped in his/her car and sped off. But nope. Thankfully I am OK, just some stiffness in my back and my neck. Just needed to vent.

Anyways KARMA is the true BITCH, so he/she will get his/hers.


Blogger Lady D said...

What an asshole??? There are so many idiots on the road. You are right about Karma and they will get there's.

11:00 PM  
Blogger theurbanista said...

girl i was in calli all summer and i hated it. people can't drive out there.

10:35 AM  

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