Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The Bar Experience

Hey, I just realized that I did not tell you guys about the Bar experience. One thing is for sure it was exhausting. I studied numerous subjects, everyday, all day, for 2 months, to have it all end in 3 days of testing (2 days for State other than CA). Let me make it clear that those 3 days were not easy. In fact they were possibly the 2nd hardest set of 3 days in my life (those whom are closest to me know the first); not to mention they followed the hardest 2 months of my life. But let me tell you this, not only was it a game of knowledge, but of endurance as well. By the third day I was so physically tired that I had to try to trick my self into paying attention. My brain was literally wondering all over the place. However, it is over now, and I hope, pray, wish, bet, want, need, count on, require, etc... a poisitive result. That however, must wait until November when the results are posted. Till then, I will just fret.

Studying for the Bar
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Blogger Lady D said...

I am sure you did great. Let know what happens.

12:41 AM  
Blogger Mad Bull said...

Good luck with the BAR business...

7:04 AM  

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