Thursday, September 08, 2005

All I Want is a Job!!!

Ok. So for the past month I have been looking for a job, and it sucks. This is the most humbling and frustrating experience ever. Every day I send out resumes and everyday I hear nothing in return. I mean it is not like I am under-qualified, and my resume is just as good as the next person's. So why is this taking so long? If this was a lesson that I was suppose to learn...Well I have learned it. Anyways, back to the drawing board, hopefully something will come along soon.

Sorry these messages are so short, but all I have on my mind right now is my job search.



Blogger ..Sue...Zette... said...

Girl I feel you. When I got laid off last year it took me three months to find a new gig. Chile...just stay prayerful and know that where you end up is where He wants you. If nothing else...I learned patience. Good luck Dawlin.

3:50 AM  
Blogger damanimichael said...

yu fin one job yet nandi laju??

11:37 PM  
Blogger Lady D said...

Sorry Nan! I will pray about it for you.

12:43 AM  
Blogger Cali J said...

Good luck on the hunt

5:08 AM  

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