Friday, September 16, 2005


Life is a funny thing. From year to year I feel like I am a different person. Now I am not saying that my core personality changes. But my views on topics, such as life, love, sex, relationships, family, career, etc...can change drastically from year to year.

Over the years I have become a more open and free person. Had someone told me 5 years ago that certain beliefs and feelings that I hold today about myself and others would be the way they are today, I would not have believed them. I would have been the first person to say "YOU ARE CRAZY". But such is life, and that's what makes it beautiful and interesting.

Now, I am being purposefully vague in this blog. Those who really know me will be able to read between the lines and know exactly what changes I am referring to. For all others, I am sorry. And for one person in particular...THANX (He knows who he is).


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