Sunday, October 09, 2005

Death and Destruction

From what I have seen over the past few months, it appears to me that Mother Earth is trying to purge herself of her parasite...Human Beings.

For the past several months it has been one disaster after another. Since the Tsunami on Boxing Day 2004, hundreds of thousands of people have lost their lives to natural disasters. If it is not the ocean, stirring, churning and swallowing up entire bands of people, it is the wind and rain, blowing and decimating numerous towns and cities; obliterating what people once called their homes and families. And now with this latest disaster, the 7.6 earthquake in Pakistan and India, which as of October 8, 2005, had claimed over 18,000 lives, I can comfortably say that Mother Earth is tired of us.

What more does she have to do to signal to us that we are destroying her? I am currently in Southern California and the smog is so bad that the sky has a permanent yellow/brown haze. To me that is just not right. Now if you believe in a higher being, I am certain that he/she/it, did not intend for Mother Earth to be in such a despicable state.

We should all be saddened and ashamed of what we have let our home become.


Blogger Marc M said...

Lately I been on a bit of an anime tangent - there is this one I watched last week called "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind". Basically about the remnants of human society trying to survive in the world post destroying it with toxins, etc. In it mother nature was trying to regenerate herself and impatient mankind as always, not willing to wait thousands of years for a clean earth, keeps getting in the way.

Faith is often one step ahead of science. Whether a divine power is punishing us or we are beginning to experience the effects of global warming - it is obvious we are reaping the fruits that we have sown.

5:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yep.. southern california is disgusting. i went home for the summer to jamaica and when i came back i was sick for 2 weeks straight, allergies, breathing problems, red eyes... doctor said i went home, got acclimatized to the air in jamaica which is better, came back to cali and i had to get used to again, which made me wonder about all the ppl here who don't know anywhere else and breathe this air everyday.....

1:35 AM  

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